Welcome to SE*Entourage’s NFO
What does entourage mean?
You know that group of people - friends, assistants, bodyguards - that are always surrounding you everywhere you go? That's your entourage! Entourage comes from the french word "entourer" meaning “to surround/the people who surround someone”.
We live in a small town - Köping, its located in the middle of Sweden (around 1,5 hour by car from the capital city Stockholm. We are a small-scale breeding with only 1 litter per year. Some years we skip breeding.
The majority of the kittens are sold as pets - but we also sell kittens that we belive a little extra in to breeding. We sell them to other breeders who shares our opinions and to those who are passionate for their cats, we always want to be sure that each cat have its space and not become one in the “amount”.
We started our cattery with a tortie girl S*Harley Honeys's Ibanez - A fantastic female with lots of nice qualities and a super nice temper. She gave us one lovely litter and we kept our own first breeding female, our red princess, Indy. We now have a three generetion breedingwork in our cattery. Pictures below!

All started with Ibanez, now we have four generation in our breedingwork at SE*Entourage's

The breeding is one of our many hobbys. My fiance Daniel is active in skydiving, martial arts (self training and as a score- and cage referee in MMA). My own interest lies in summer gardening (dahlias and cut flowers), interior design and dog training.
We also spend time hanging out with friends and family. All kittens raised at our home gets a lot of contact with humans and in a natural way gets confident around dogs.
The breeding of Norwegian forest cats gives us both love and happiness - To see new owners full of joy and pride for their new family members. The feeling is unbeatable!
Health & wellbeing
The health and wellbeing is important for our breeding.
I work with four different "keystones" in my breeding:
- Breeding standard
Im working with the forestcat standard frequently to apply nice qualities in the breedingwork. Im trying my best to match our females with the male, to compensate the weak parts with stronger. Technical parts, look, size, coatquality builds a strong Norwegian forest cat.
- Temper
The cats who Im mating must have a good temper. Im not using a shy, anxious or aggressive cat for breeding - The cat must be harmonic, friendly & courageous cat.
- Safety during matings ! ! !
We follow advices to reduce/avoid infectious diseases in cattery/cat group from SVA Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt (National veterinary institute)
I always use so called "supervised matings" - I usually bring the male to us and only let the female and the male mate when Im with them. They are not using the same litterbox or foodbowl and minimum of "cuddle". After successful mating/matings I separete them from each other so they can use the toilet, eat and rest - then repeat until they are satisfied/finished.
By using the method supervised matings,
the risk of spreading diseases through feces(poop) or saliva is highly reduced.
Read more at SVA (In swedish):
Rekommendationer vid parasitorsakade diarréer i kattbesättningar
- Health programs
We are following some health programs for the Norwegian forest cat and test our breeding cats for HCM, GSDIV and PK-def before mating. If you want to read more (endast på svenska) - Click here!
Indoor cats
All our kittens is sold as indoor cats. Why?...
Because I think that cats are living a very dangerous life when they are running around freely outdoors (in the cities) But I have sold cats as outdoor cats too, with the restrictions of not having large busy roads around, and the cat must be neutered before they go out. If you want your cat to go outside, you can always walk them by leash or build a secure cat-run on your balcony or patio.

Köpevillkor på svenska
En kattunge från SE*Entourage's är:
- tidigast 14 veckor gammal när den flyttar
- registrerad med stamtavla i Sverak/Fife
- chipmärkt, vaccinerad mot kattpest och kattsnuva (två gånger)
- avmaskad
- veterinärbesiktigad med intyg som är max sju dagar gammalt vid flytten
- försäkrad i Sveland (Dolda fel under tre år) samt tecknas individuella försäkringar vid 6 veckors ålder som enkelt kan tas över av ny ägare om så önskas.
- van vid hantering som t.ex. pälsvård och kloklippning samt badas innan flytt (bra träning)
- van vid mycket beröring och hantering (bli lyft, buren....pussad på!!! :-)
- rumsren
Av dig som kattungeköpare förväntar jag mig:
- att köpet av katt är väl genomtänkt
- att du har god ekonomi (att köpa katt kostar, det gör det även att äga)
- att katten hålls försäkrad
- att katten blir älskad och omskött på allra bästa sätt
- att katten får den veterinärvård som krävs både underhåll (vaccineras regelbundet under hela livet) samt vid akut skada eller sjukdom.
- att du kontaktar mig snarast om katten behöver omplaceras. Jag hjälper gärna till om det händer något oväntat som gör att du inte kan ha kvar katten.
- att katten kastreras om den inte ska användas i avel (OBS! En katt som endast sålts som sällskapskatt skall respekteras att ej avla på och kastreras vid rimlig ålder)
- att katten vid eventuell avel, endast paras med renrasig norsk skogkatt (med stamtavla) där man kontrollerat rimlig inavelsprocent samt hälsotestar katten innan parning. Är man ny som uppfödare ställer jag gärna upp som mentor.
- att jag får vetskap om katten försvinner, förolyckas eller måste avlivas.
- att du gärna uppdaterar hur det går för din fina (s)katt :-) Gärna med bilder!!!
Vad kan du förvänta dig av mig som uppfödare?
Du kan när som helst gällande vad som helst kontakta mig för råd eller frågor gällande din SE*Entourage's katt. Full support livet ut!
/Mikaela Petersson
SE*Entourage's NFO
in loving memory
of Our dog
"Uncle miro"
of Our dog
"Uncle miro"