Female: CH SE*Entourage's La Gloria
Male: WW'19, SW'22, SW'19, SC S*Rockringen's Underdog JW, DSM, DVM
Name: | Sex: | Color: | Status: |
Akilles Face | Male | d 03 22 | Booked |
Hard Touch | Male | n 03 22 | Booked |
Unique Juni | Female | f 03 24 | Stays with us |
Lara Boko | Female | n 03 24 | Booked |
Racing Brodda | Female | f 03 24 | Booked |
High on Pepper | Male | d 03 24 | Booked |
Explaining status:
Available - The kitten is available for interest. Feel free to contact me if you are interested.
* Under evaluation - We want to see how the kitten develops (Common when interest for breeding/show)
Interest shown - Someone is interested in this kitten, nothing is decided/the kitten is not booked.
On Hold - The kitten is on hold for a buyer/interest.
Booked - The kitten is booked, a booking-fee is payed.
Sold - The kitten is sold and has moved to the new owner.
Pictures of mummy & daddy!
Thank you Barbro, Linda & Nicklas so, so much for
letting us have the oppertunity to mate Gloria with Hunden. This is a dream combination!
Under länken kan du läsa mer om dom genetiska sjukdomar vi testar våra katter för (HCM, GSD4 och PK-def)
Läs mer här!
If you are interested.
Please contact me. Mickispetersson@gmail.com