SE*Entourage's Indy air

Father: SC S*Dalkullans Billy bisquit, JW, DSM, DVM NFO d 09 24
Mother: S*Harley Honey's Ibanez NFO f 09 22
Born: 2013/08/05
Colour EMS: NFO d 09 24
Status: Neutred 180802
Weight: 4,5 kg
Health info: HCM Normal 2016-09-28, 2014-09-09, PK-def n/n, GSD4 Negative.
This is a wonderful female with a lot of carachter. She has very good qualitees for breeding. She is a medium-large female. She is super good mommy and reminds a little bit of a dog in her temper. She follows you, responds when you call for her. A very confident girl with a huge heart! <3
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